My Prayer... Only You by Carole A. Smith Lord, Give me the will and purpose to keep my eyes only on you. Show me the path, you have laid out for my life. With your light, illuminate it… by day and by night. Guide me. Instruct me. Call me …by my name. Walk beside me Hold my hand... Carry me when I am weak. Open my ears and my heart so that I may hear your voice, Lord …speaking to me at all times. When you correct me, give me the strength to obey. When you praise me, allow my heart to receive. When you command me, give me the courage to follow your way. All that I have in this world is a gift from you. Let me hold it with open hands, facing upward …back to you. Turn my thoughts away from myself and from all the things of this world, So that I may focus upon And follow ... Only you.
A Writer, Poet... Artist ... sharing my journey, one step at a time.