The back of our small SUV is packed with bags of outgrown and overused clothing. Bags, as in four large garbage bags. With my kids in the backseat, we head to the Women’s and Children’s Emergency Shelter to deposit our donations. I have mixed emotions ranging from the good, bad and ugly running through my mind. I process them unconsciously and simultaneously. There is relief and a sense of accomplishment for going through our possessions and getting rid of the unused unwanted excess. There is pride for giving my leftovers. There is the feeling of leadership for teaching my kids to give to the poor and having them see the people who do not have what we have. As we drive further away from our home and protections of the Home Owners Associations and manicured yards; as we travel deeper into the heart of the city, I find myself asking my children if their doors are locked. We come to a stop light. ...
A Writer, Poet... Artist ... sharing my journey, one step at a time.